

How to Buy Online Affordable and Good Quality Office Furniture?

If you are renovating your office or opening a new office, you need to buy furniture depending upon your requirements. Office furniture is not much different from what you use at home as the basic principle behind furniture remains the same. In fact, if anything, office furniture is chosen on the basis of its functionality and good looks. Another factor that plays an important role in the selection of office furniture is the space saving design. No matter what type of furniture you are looking to place in your office, just stick to the budget you have in mind. Office furniture is available in a huge variety with different shapes and sizes to suit your requirement. If you are confused or feel overwhelmed by the wide range of furniture items, the best place to have a look and compare the features of various furniture items is internet. The Following Exciting Tips to Buy Online Affordable and Good Quality Office Furniture 1. There is a Huge Range of Office Furniture

By |November 22nd, 2013|Comments Off on How to Buy Online Affordable and Good Quality Office Furniture?

3 Handy Tips to Find Quality Office Chairs at Best Price

Whether it is in a home office or an expansive office setup, we all spend quiet a lot of our time in the office. Research suggests that some people spend close to 90% of the time that they are awake in a day in the office. Most of the time that we spend in the office is spent sitting on a chair. Well if you’re not complaining then you probably have a comfortable chair in your office. However for those who have been waking up from their seats with terrible back pains, it is time to upgrade. Ergonomic office chairs cost much more than what many people including you and I would be willing to spend on a chair. With a variety of price points you can easily find high quality office chairs at affordable prices. Here Are Three Easy Tips That Will Help You Get the Best Chair at a Great Price 1. Buy Used Office Chairs: Good ergonomic office chairs are easy to find online. You can

By |November 13th, 2013|Comments Off on 3 Handy Tips to Find Quality Office Chairs at Best Price

4 Tips For Buying Right Office Furniture

If you try to look on your daily schedule, you will realize you are spending longer hours in the office than you spend in other places—except sleeping on your bed. The average number of hours you spend in the office is 8 hours, and it is very important that your workplace is comfortable. The reason is the environment plays a major role in your productivity. Many individuals who have 9am – 5pm jobs suffer in silence because of poor office furniture. The situation doesn't need to be this way. Choosing comfortable furniture—of course, not too comfortable to get them to sleep—can help you overcome this common problem. Having the right furniture remarkably improves the workplace atmosphere. Here Are the Tips That Can Guide You in Buying the Right Office Furniture 1. Identify Your Needs: Make a short list of all the office furniture you need before you start shopping. You can start by identifying and listing the appropriate ones that are really necessary. It doesn't matter if you are buying

By |October 25th, 2013|Comments Off on 4 Tips For Buying Right Office Furniture

AFRDI – So What?

AFRDI Approved Chair – So What? AFRDI Approved office chairs are tested to the Australian New Zealand standard. This is based on European standards and in some ways is even tougher – chairs that comply with AS/NZS 4438 are ergonomically sound, tough, durable, and safe. Ergonomically Sound Ninety percent of the population – everyone other than the shortest 5 percent and the tallest 5 percent – should be able to adjust an AFRDI Approved chair to provide a comfortable work seat. Tough Chairs are measured using a special 64kg ‘dummy buttocks’ that takes into account the compression of seat foams and gas springs. The effects of ‘normal abuse’ are reflected in the standard with a range of forces being applied ten times for 10 seconds each – Someone standing on the chair (160kg for Level 4 and 200kg for Level 6) Someone sitting on the arm (90kg for Level 4 and 120kg for Level 6, and there is a test for pulling the arms outwards as well) To simulate rough

By |October 23rd, 2010|Comments Off on AFRDI – So What?
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