The concept of a standing desks is not new, but it has recently increased in popularity. In the past few years, several companies have started offering them as part of their office furniture lineups due to the health benefits they can provide employees. A standing desk can help you stay fit while working comfortably.
Here are some ways that adding this furniture piece will benefit you and your company.
1. Reduce the Risk of Certain Types of Cancer
The benefits of standing desk have been widely reported, but it’s important to understand the actual health benefits of a standing desk.
Standing desks can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, colorectal, and endometrial. In addition to reducing the risk of cancer, standing desks also help improve blood circulation, possibly reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
The exact level of improvement in these diseases is unclear because there are few studies on this topic. Still, many experts agree that standing desks benefit your overall health.
2. Improved Posture
When you stand, your body is more upright than when sitting. This means you are more likely to keep your head and back straight and aligned. That’s not to say that people who sit at their desks all day are slouching, but if you spend long hours at a desk, your posture can start to suffer. A standing office desk can help prevent that from happening.
Moreover, sitting all day can lead to muscle fatigue, which works against your body’s ability to maintain proper alignment. Standing desks help improve muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance. Furthermore, many standing desks are adjustable, so you can set them at the best height.
3. Lower Back Pain Relief
Standing desks help relieve lower back pain, especially for people who sit all day. If your job requires you to spend large amounts of time in front of the computer, you are particularly susceptible to this problem.
When you stand, you can fully engage your core muscles, which helps to stabilize your posture and reduce the pressure on your spine. Lifting weights, yoga, and even walking can improve lower back health.
4. Increase Productivity
Building a standing desk can be a great way to encourage employees to be more active and productive during the workday. Standing desks are ergonomically designed, so they don’t cause body discomfort or other problems.
The ease of transitioning between sitting and standing will encourage them to switch positions throughout their day, which can increase productivity and overall wellness. Real evidence suggests that standing desks can improve workplace productivity by as much as 11 percent.
5. Improve Circulation
Standing desks are known to increase circulation, which helps with your brain’s ability to focus and process information. When you sit for too long, blood from the lower body is forced to return slowly toward your heart. This causes blood pressure to rise, stress hormones to increase, and the arteries to narrow. Standing desks encourage your brain to work more efficiently and helps you stay mentally alert even when not moving around in the office.
With all these benefits, it’s easy to see why standing desks are becoming so popular. They are great for your health and productivity and can save you money over time. So, consider a standing desk as you obtain furniture for your workplace or home office.